台北懷恩堂 2022 年 差傳年刊



畢業於美國Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary,並於舊金山三谷華人聖經教會(Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church) 牧會。2007年,加入美國New Tribes Mission宣教差會;2009年,帶領全家(包括女兒沐真,沐安)到南太平洋的巴布亞紐幾內亞(Papua New Guinea)的Biem族服事,融入當地住民,學習語言、翻譯聖經、建立部落教會。2012年,Biem族有史以來第一次聽見福音,成立 Biem教會,2016年,有了第一代的Biem長老,開始了部落教會獨立自主的第一步。目前,陳牧師是 Radius International 亞洲總幹事。

Wayne and his wife Gail both graduated from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Upon graduation, they served in Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church in Northern California. In 2007, their family left suburban America and joined New Tribes Mission as tribal church planters. In 2009, the family moved to the country of Papua New Guinea, and working among the Biem tribal people group. In the following 9 years, they learned the Biem language, developed an alphabet and a written form of the language, taught the Biem how to read and write, and presented the Gospel for the first time to the Biem people. Today, there is a strong and vibrant indigenous church on Biem with tribal elders shepherding the church. Currently Wayne is the director of Radius Asia.






畢業於美國Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary,並於舊金山三谷華人聖經教會(Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church) 牧會。2007年,加入美國New Tribes Mission宣教差會;2009年,帶領全家(包括女兒沐真,沐安)到南太平洋的巴布亞紐幾內亞(Papua New Guinea)的Biem族服事,融入當地住民,學習語言、翻譯聖經、建立部落教會。2012年,Biem族有史以來第一次聽見福音,成立 Biem教會,2016年,有了第一代的Biem長老,開始了部落教會獨立自主的第一步。目前,陳牧師是 Radius International 亞洲總幹事。

Wayne and his wife Gail both graduated from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Upon graduation, they served in Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church in Northern California. In 2007, their family left suburban America and joined New Tribes Mission as tribal church planters. In 2009, the family moved to the country of Papua New Guinea, and working among the Biem tribal people group. In the following 9 years, they learned the Biem language, developed an alphabet and a written form of the language, taught the Biem how to read and write, and presented the Gospel for the first time to the Biem people. Today, there is a strong and vibrant indigenous church on Biem with tribal elders shepherding the church. Currently Wayne is the director of Radius Asia.


